:: Volume 20, Issue 2 (9-2017) ::
IJAL 2017, 20(2): 81-111 Back to browse issues page
Differences in Reading Beliefs/Practices of L2 Teachers: Undergraduate versus Graduate Degree Holders
Leila Jooybary , Shahab Moradkhani , Nourrodin Yousofi
Razi University, Kermanshah
Abstract:   (4185 Views)
In their attempt to shed light on the factors contributing to the incongruity between L2 reading teachers’ beliefs and practices, most of the researchers have resorted to teachers’ personal perspectives. As a partial replication of the research carried out by Karimi and Dehghani (2016), the current study sought to broaden this restricted scope by examining the role of teacher education in shaping L2 reading teachers’ beliefs/practices. Data were collected from 84 L2 reading teachers through a survey and follow-up classroom observations. Overall, both undergraduate and graduate teachers had an equally heightened tendency toward competence-based theoretical orientation. However, both groups substantially utilized instructional moves conforming to text-based orientation. There were also significant frequency differences between undergraduate and graduate teachers in their recourse to competence-based pedagogical moves. It is concluded that while the inclusion of a finite number of theoretical coursework may sway L2 teachers to sanction competence-based theoretical orientation, a more clinical approach to teacher education should be embraced to promote the symbiotic belief-practice relationship among L2 reading teachers.
Keywords: Competence-based orientation, Text-based orientation, L2 teachers, Teacher education
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/06/28 | Accepted: 2017/07/25 | Published: 2017/08/15
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